Have you ever wondered why your horse reacts the way it does during training? Or have you thought about why some horses are fearful and anxious, others are hesitant and slow, some are quiet and reserved, while others are more bold and independent?
In the book “A Guide to Understanding Your Horse’s Personality” you’ll have the opportunity to dive into the 4 horse types, which can be a game-changer in your horse training.
The Creative Trainer: Creative, flexible, and adaptable. This trainer excels at helping horses that are intelligent and easily bored. She is also clear and direct for horses that test boundaries.
The Motivating Trainer: Motivating, persistent, and patient. This trainer is skilled at working with horses that are hesitant and don’t take initiative. She sets many small, manageable goals to keep the horse engaged and motivated.
The Caring Trainer: Calm, composed, and resourceful. This trainer understands how to help nervous and fearful horses, and she has the ability to soothe the horse’s nervous system and bring it to a state of calm.
The Understanding Trainer: Highly empathetic, predictable, and encouraging. This trainer sees that beneath a reserved horse’s exterior lies insecurity. She knows how to make the horse feel safe with her and build its self-esteem and confidence.
By identifying our own trainer type, we can consciously adjust our techniques and methods to suit our horse’s behavior. When our horse feels seen and understood, we enable it to reach its full potential, and training becomes a true partnership between horse and rider.
The book provides a deeper insight into our horse’s unique behavior patterns and needs.
Through both theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, we begin to learn how to identify the four horse types (challenging, fearful, hesitant, and reserved) as well as our own trainer type (creative, motivating, caring, and understanding).
The purpose of the book is to develop a deeper understanding of our horse’s signals and needs, which can bring something greater to our work with the horse than just biomechanical training. By combining theory with practice, we will begin to recognize our horse’s type and adjust our training methods accordingly.
With practice, we will be able to effectively use understanding-based training, evaluate training progress, and adapt our methods to ensure a harmonious and progressive training relationship with our horse.
You will know the characteristics of the 4 horse types and start to identify which type your own horse belongs to.
You will have a clear understanding of which trainer type you can be to best support your horse.
You will know the desired state for your horse to achieve through your training.
You will be inspired with training ideas that will help both you and your horse reach your full potential together.
“I have been teaching for over 25 years, and I am passionate about making theory and practice logical. I break everything down into small, concrete steps so my students can both understand and apply it effectively in their training.
I have extensive experience in providing my students with all the details of theory and practice, and as a result, I see my students succeed in their training.”
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